Test about political and religious knowledge of Palestine

Test about political and religious knowledge of Palestine 

  1. When was the modern state of Israel born?

    1. 1935
    2. 1948
    3. 1970

  1. What is the Diaspora and when did it begin?


  1. What’s the name of a citizen of  Israel?

    1. Hebrew
    2. Israelite
    3. Israeli

  1. How could you define a Jew?

    1. A follower of  the Hebrew religion
    2. A person who identifies himself in the Hebrew culture
    3. A person who loves and defends the Jews

  1. Who do we indicate with the name “Palestinians”?

    1. All those who live in Palestine, (the inhabitants of the State of Israel included)
    2. The Arabs evicted by the birth of the State of Israel
    3. Arab people of the Middle East

  1. Which of the following definitions can stay together? (write “yes” or “no” aside each one)

                               a.      Cristian Arab
                              b.      Palestinian Israeli
                               c.      Arab Jew
                              d.      Muslim Israeli
                               e.      Christian Jew
                                f.      Arab Italian
                               g.      Christian Israeli
                               h.      Muslim Italian
                                 i.      Arab Israeli
                                j.      Christian Muslim


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